The St. Louis Integrated Health Network (IHN) is a healthcare intermediary building capacity across sectors to advance health equity and improve wellbeing by increasing access to health and social services.
We’re deeply honored to serve our region’s safety net population, and we’re proud of the work we’ve been able to accomplish since our founding in 2003. See how we work alongside our partners and community to advance health equity in St. Louis.
Awarded through the City of St. Louis to support health center capital investments in new infrastructure
in funding secured by the EleVATE Collaborative from National Institute of Mental Health and Healthy Blue Missouri
Awarded to launch the region’s first comprehensive transition clinic in partnership with the City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, and St. Louis University
The IHN has and always will be rooted in community, who embody what it means to challenge systems and change structures that impede access to health and wellbeing.
We hold ourselves accountable to our community and our partners as we continue our journey to health equity, and we invite you to hear from a few of those community members below.

“We are at a place of leadership and love while we fight for justice, fight for a reality we truly believe in. What IHN is doing is about the restoration of humanity.”
– Bethany Johnson-Javois, President & CEO, Deaconess Foundation

“As a patient, I became a partner, and offering my community voice has helped shape healthcare, especially [for] Black and brown birthing people.”
– Cheron Phillips, EleVATE patient turned partner

“Integrated Health Network to me means taking a chance. It means commitment. It means family. I have felt nothing but love and light and warmth from every single person.”
– Larry Marshall, Community Health Worker